KLB Research Gives Back

Participation Points Donated to Charity

KLB Research participants earn ‘participation points’ as a form of compensation for their participation. Each point can be used to enter various prize draws, with one point being equal to one prize draw entry. In addition to entering prize draws, participants can also choose to donate their points to charity, at a rate of 1000 points being equal to a $1.00 charitable donation. 

Participants from the KLB Research Close Relationships Longitudinal Study donated $384.00 worth of participation points to the charities featured below.  

Sponsor KLB Research Participant-Driven Donations

If you or your business are interested in Sponsoring the donations, please contact us at info@klbresearch.com

As a sponsor, you will choose the maximum contribution you or your company is willing to make, and to which charities you would like to contribute. Once participants have 'donated' enough points into the charity you have chosen to sponsor, you will be asked to make your financial contribution directly to that charity, and you are free to collect the tax-receipt for your own use!

Donate to KLB Research
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