Research collaboration

Great research is often the product of many minds working together! Here are some of the great minds with whom I enjoy collaborating. 

dr. diane holmberg 

Dr. Holmberg is a Professor of Psychology at Acadia University. We have worked together on projects examining the role of social support for relationships in predicting relationship well-being (e.g., satisfaction, duration) and mental and physical health. 

erin Courtice, PhD Candidate 

Erin Courtice is a Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Ottawa. Erin and Dr. Blair worked together to study well-being and coping throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dr. Emily Harris

Dr. Harris is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Melbourne in Australia. Dr. Harris researches the psychology of gender, sexuality, and body image.

Dr. Kathryn Bell

Dr. Bell is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at Acadia University and a registered clinical psychologist. We have worked together on the COVID-19 research project exploring experiences of interpersonal violence within LGBTQ relationships.

Dr. Daragh mcDermott

Dr. McDermott is the Deputy Head of the Psychology Department at Anglia Ruskin University in the United Kingdom. Together we research the predictors of homonegativity in cross-cultural samples. More recently we have begun to investigate the notion of ambiguous homonegativity. Dr. McDermott is planning to spend time at the KLB Research Lab at St. Francis Xavier University during his 2017 sabbatical. 

dr. Rhea Ashley Hoskin

Dr. Hoskin is an Ontario Women’s Health Post-Doctoral Fellow at Queen's University. Dr. Hoskin's work uses intersectional analysis to examine how femininity contributes to experiences of discrimination and marginalization within and beyond the LGBTQ community. Together we work on research studies designed to empirically test her theories on Femme Identity and Femmephobia. 

Dr. Chris Quinn-Nilas

Dr. Quinn-Nilas joined the lab to assist with the statistical analyses on the COVID-19 project and quickly became a valuable collaborator on a wide range of studies within the lab. He mentors junior members of the lab and provides statistical consultations and training to other faculty affiliated with the lab. He is currently a SSHRC funded post-doctoral fellow at the University of Waterloo.

Dr. Lisa Diamond 

Dr. Diamond is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Utah and author of Sexual Fluidity. I completed a post-doctoral fellowship with Dr. Diamond and together we studied sexual attraction, sexual fluidity, and conflict patterns in same-sex and mixed-sex couples. 

Dr. Caroline Pukall 

Dr. Pukall is a Professor of Psychology in the Sexual Health Research Lab at Queen's University and Director of Sex Therapy Services for the Queen's Clinical Psychology Clinic. Dr. Pukall and I work together on studies examining vulvar pain in sexual and gender minority populations as well as social support processes within the context of close relationships, especially those